North Carolina LPN to RN/BSN Programs
With the nationwide shortage of nurses wreaking havoc on healthcare, North Carolina is doing its part to encourage nursing advancement by offering a host of LPN to RN bridge programs. These programs allow LPNs to receive the additional training and education necessary to become RNs and have better career prospects, the ability to enter niche nursing areas, and earn higher paychecks. North Carolina RNs earn an average of $18,820 more annually than LPNs in the state do.
Looking for more information on the LPN to RN educational pathway? Learn more about taking and passing the NCLEX-RN examination and check out the North Carolina Board of Nursing for information on licensing and available organizations and associations for registered nurses in the state.
List of 2025 LPN to RN or LPN to BSN Programs in NC
Below is the 2025 best comprehensive list of LPN to RN programs in North Carolina. Some of these programs may be listed as "RN", however that may mean ADN or BSN degree, please visit the school's website for program details.
Program | Website |
LPN to RN/BSN Online Online Program - Achieve offers a fast-track program that combines the effectiveness of real classroom learning with the speed of credit-by- examination. NOTE: MUST BE A LPN/LVN TO APPLY | achievetestprep.com |
Alamance Community College LPN to ADN 1247 Jimmie Kerr Rd. Graham, NC (336) 578-2002 | alamancecc.edu |
Bladen Community College LPN to RN 7418 NC Hwy 41W Dublin, NC (910) 879-5500 | bladencc.edu |
Cape Fear Community College - North LPN to ADN 4500 Blue Clay Road Castle Hayne, NC (910) 362-7700 | cfcc.edu |
Cape Fear Community College - Wilmington LPN to ADN 411 North Front Street Wilmington, NC (910) 362-7000 | cfcc.edu |
Carolinas College of Health Sciences LPN to ADN 1200 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, NC (704) 355-5043 | atriumhealth.org |
College of the Albemarle LPN to ADN 1208 N Road St Elizabeth City, NC (252) 335-0821 | albemarle.edu |
Craven Community College - Havelock LPN to ADN 305 Cunningham Blvd. Havelock, NC (252) 444-6005 | cravencc.edu |
Craven Community College - New Bern LPN to ADN 800 College Court New Bern, NC (252) 638-7200 | cravencc.edu |
Davidson County Community College - Davidson LPN to ADN 297 DCC Road Thomasville, NC (336) 249-8186 | catalog.davidsonccc.edu |
Davidson County Community College - Davie LPN to ADN 1205 Salisbury Road Mocksville, NC (336) 751-2885 | catalog.davidsonccc.edu |
Durham Technical Community College LPN to ADN 1637 East Lawson Street Durham, NC (919) 536-7200 | durhamtech.edu |
Forsyth Technical Community College LPN to RN 2100 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, NC (336) 723-0371 | forsythtech.edu |
Gaston Community College LPN to RN 201 Highway 321 South Dallas, NC (704) 922-6200 | gaston.edu |
Guilford Technical Community College LPN to RN 601 E Main St Jamestown, NC (336) 334-4822 | gtcc.edu |
Lenoir Community College LPN to ADN 231 North Carolina Hwy 58 Kinston, NC (252) 527-6223 | lenoircc.edu |
Nash Community College LPN to ADN 522 N Old Carriage Rd Rocky Mount, NC (252) 443-4011 | nashcc.edu |
Piedmont Community College LPN to ADN 1715 College Dr Roxboro, NC (336) 599-1181 | piedmontcc.edu |
Rockingham Community College LPN to ADN 215 Wrenn Memorial Rd Wentworth, NC (336) 342-4261 | rockinghamcc.edu |
Sampson Community College LPN to ADN 1801 Sunset Avenue Clinton, NC (910) 592-8081 | sampsoncc.edu |
Sandhills Community College LPN to ADN 3395 Airport Road Pinehurst, NC (910) 692-6185 | sandhills.edu |
Stanly Community College LPN to ADN 102 Stanly Parkway Locust, NC (704) 888-8848 | catalog.stanly.edu |
Surry Community College LPN to ADN 630 South Main Street Dobson, NC (336) 386-8121 | surry.edu |
Vance-Granville Community College LPN to ADN 200 Community College Road Henderson, NC (252) 492-2061 | vgcc.edu |
Wake Technical Community College LPN to ADN 9101 Fayetteville Road Raleigh, NC (919) 866-5000 | waketech.edu |
Are we missing your school's program or need to make changes to the information listed? Please contact us.
North Carolina LPN vs RN Salary Comparison By Area
The table below compares the annual salary of a licensed practical nurse (LPN) to a registered nurse (RN), along with the percent increase that can be expected. The data was obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for LPNs and RNs in North Carolina.
On average an RN in North Carolina earns $44,764, which is 7% less than the national average for registered nurses ($48,109).
City/Area | Avg LPN Salary | Avg RN Salary | % Diff |
Charlotte, Concord, Gastonia - NC | $44,930 | $64,170 | 42.8% |
Durham, Chapel Hill - NC | $47,540 | $67,030 | 41.0% |
Raleigh - NC | $45,120 | $64,860 | 43.8% |
Winston, Salem - NC | $44,650 | $69,070 | 54.7% |
Greensboro, High Point - NC | $42,670 | $66,710 | 56.3% |
Asheville - NC | $44,000 | $65,460 | 48.8% |
Greenville - NC | $44,680 | $64,380 | 44.1% |
Hickory, Lenoir, Morganton - NC | $45,860 | $59,890 | 30.6% |
Fayetteville - NC | $45,430 | $69,990 | 54.1% |
Wilmington - NC | $44,240 | $61,600 | 39.2% |
Rocky Mount - NC | $46,760 | $61,260 | 31.0% |
New Bern - NC | $40,860 | $60,430 | 47.9% |
Jacksonville - NC | $42,140 | $64,030 | 51.9% |
Table data taken from 2018 BLS https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291141.htm & https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes292061.htm