Missouri LPN to RN/BSN Programs
With an emphasis on improved patient outcomes, Missouri is encouraging more education for its nurses. That’s why many LPNs in the state are enrolling in LPN to RN programs to become registered nurses. RNs enjoy working more independently, completing more challenging duties, and earning a higher salary. In fact, RNs in the state earn an average of $21,230 more per year than LPNs do, making the difference quite clear.
Looking for more information on the LPN to RN mobility track? Find out more about taking and passing the NCLEX-RN exam and check out the Missouri Board of Nursing for information on licensing, education, and available organizations for registered nurses in the state.
List of 2025 LPN to RN or LPN to BSN Programs in MO
Below is the 2025 best comprehensive list of LPN to RN programs in Missouri. Some of these programs may be listed as "RN", however that may mean ADN or BSN degree, please visit the school's website for program details.
Program | Website |
LPN to RN/BSN Online Online Program - Achieve offers a fast-track program that combines the effectiveness of real classroom learning with the speed of credit-by- examination. NOTE: MUST BE A LPN/LVN TO APPLY | achievetestprep.com |
Bolivar Technical College LPN to RN 1135 N. Oakland Ave Bolivar, MO (417) 777-5062 | bolivarcollege.edu |
Chamberlain University - St. Louis LPN to BSN 11830 Westline Industrial Dr #106 St Louis, MO (877) 751-5783 | chamberlain.edu |
Columbia College LPN to ADN 1001 Rogers Street Columbia, MO (573) 875-8700 | ccis.edu |
Cox College LPN to ADN,LPN to BSN 1423 N. Jefferson Ave Springfield, MO (417) 269-3401 | coxcollege.edu |
Crowder College LPN to ADN 601 Laclede Ave Neosho, MO (417) 451-3223 | crowder.edu |
East Central College LPN to RN 1964 Prairie Dell Road Union, MO (636) 584-6500 | catalog.eastcentral.edu |
Lincoln University LPN to ADN 4904 Constitution Ave Fort Leonard Wood, MO (573) 329-5160 | lincolnu.edu |
Metropolitan Community College LPN to ADN 3201 SW Trafficway Kansas City, MO (816) 604-1000 | mcckc.edu |
Mineral Area College LPN to RN 5270 Flat River Road Park Hills, MO (573) 431-4593 | mineralarea.edu |
Missouri State University - West Plains LPN to RN 128 Garfield Ave West Plains, MO (417) 255-7255 | wp.missouristate.edu |
Ozarks Technical Community College LPN to RN 1001 E. Chestnut Expressway Springfield, MO (417) 447-7500 | catalog.otc.edu |
Southeast Hospital College of Nursing & Health Sciences LPN to RN 2001 William St Cape Girardeau, MO (573) 334-6825 | sehcollege.edu |
Southwest Baptist University - Salem LPN to RN 501 S Grand St Salem, MO (573) 729-7071 | sbuniv.edu |
St. Louis Community College - Florissant Valley LPN to ADN 3400 Pershall Rd St Louis, MO (314) 513-4200 | stlcc.edu |
St. Louis Community College - Forest Park LPN to ADN 5600 Oakland Ave St Louis, MO (314) 644-9100 | stlcc.edu |
St. Louis Community College - Meramec LPN to ADN 11333 Big Bend Road St Louis, MO (314) 984-7500 | stlcc.edu |
Texas County Technical College LPN to RN 6915 South Highway 63 Houston, MO (417) 967-5466 | texascountytech.edu |
Three Rivers College LPN to RN 2080 Three Rivers Blvd Poplar Bluffs, MO (573) 840-9672 | trcc.edu |
Are we missing your school's program or need to make changes to the information listed? Please contact us.
Missouri LPN vs RN Salary Comparison By Area
The table below compares the annual salary of a licensed practical nurse (LPN) to a registered nurse (RN), along with the percent increase that can be expected. The data was obtained from the BLS for LPNs and RNs in Missouri.
On average an RN in Missouri earns $44,726, which is 7% less than the national average for registered nurses ($48,109).
City/Area | Avg LPN Salary | Avg RN Salary | % Diff |
St. Louis - MO | $46,140 | $67,870 | 47.1% |
Kansas City - MO | $45,900 | $67,340 | 46.7% |
Springfield - MO | $40,610 | $56,870 | 40.0% |
Columbia - MO | $42,080 | $68,210 | 62.1% |
Joplin - MO | $40,910 | $56,020 | 36.9% |
Cape Girardeau - MO | $39,790 | $59,800 | 50.3% |
Jefferson City - MO | $38,350 | $58,590 | 52.8% |
St. Joseph - MO | $40,570 | $62,090 | 53.0% |
Table data taken from 2018 BLS https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291141.htm & https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes292061.htm