Changing LPN Job Specialties

Lately I have had many different opportunities arise for changing my job as an LPN. When it rains it pours right? I am beyond happy working in long term care, geriatrics is where I belong.  But sometimes different positions come open, how can you choose to stay or to go?


I started my career as an LPN not only because I wanted to be a nurse, but I wanted to provide for my family, and to do that I needed to make more than the minimum wage I was making in high school. So money, everyone loves to make as much money as possible. Obviously when considering changing positions or accepting a new job opportunity, you need to know compensation. To me, compensation applies to salary, and bonuses, such as OT, weekend pay, birthday pay, and holiday pay. Sometimes those smaller incentives can add up and become a deal breaker in the job search.

- Finding Your Place as an LPN 


As a mother and wife, I rely on having a specific set schedule. It makes our day to day lives much easier. I recently have looked into changing jobs, just to find a schedule that matched my life better. I tend to daydream of a perfect schedule! Scheduling to me is huge. I prefer a set schedule that never changes, so I can plan our lives months down the road. 


When looking for a different job in your field as an LPN, it could mean straying from your current specialty. In my case, the few job offerings I have had lately were still related to geriatrics. One offer being in a geriatrics doctor office. Another in assisted living, which to me is very similar to long term care. 


I am always looking at job postings. I always find them interesting, even if I'm not actively seeking another job as a LPN. It educates you as an LPN as to who is always hiring, which isn't a good thing in my eyes. It informs you as to other specialty options. It never hurts to always keep an eye open, you never know if your dream job is peaking around the corner. 

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Last Updated/Verified: Nov 28, 2024